Available on Youtube

Guided Meditations

The Valley of Peace - Guided Meditation

The valley of peace

A Journey to the Elven Forest - Guided Meditation

A Journey to the Elven Forest

Harmonization of Chakras

Eternal Love with your Higher Self

The Forest of the Fairies

Gaia And The Crystal Of Light - Guided Meditation

Gaia And The Crystal Of Light

Hugo, the flying turtle

The Healing of the Soul

The Cradle of Angelic Light

The Cradle of Angelic Light


Karmic Cleansing

The Sanctuary of the Heart

The Inner Child and the House of Memories

Mother Earth Gaia – Grounding

Forgiving and Healing Past Wounds

Méditation guidée - xxx - Tamás Pataki, MySpiritBook Healing School

Meeting with your Inner Guide, Guardian Angel

The Protective Light

The Butterflies of Transformation

Cellular Purification

Meeting with the Soul Mate

Self-expression with Andra Crystal

The Angels of Abundance

Emotional Release

The Inner Child and the Emerald Lake

Letting Go

Morning Meditation

Increasing Vibrational Frequency