Transformative Techniques

Other Beginner Courses

These courses have no prerequisites.

These courses are designed for those who are looking to expand their healing skills and knowledge.


Emotional and karmic healing to dissolve the energetic blockages of the heart by the Violet Flame of Letting Go, Forgiveness, and Love with Saint Germain.

Hator Egyptian Blue Etheric Ray Activation

Hator Egyptian Blue Etheric Ray Activation

Description for Hator Egyptian Blue Etheric Ray Activation

Fivefold Flame

Release your negative emotions and break all chains negative patterns of consciousness using the Fivefold Flame to enhance your abilities and vibrations.

Akashic Records Cleansing

Description for Akashic Records Cleansing

5D Light Body Activation

5D Light Body Activation

Description for 5D Light Body Activation

Psychic Protection

Exercises to strengthen and protect the light body.

Angelic Magic Touch

Angelich vibration to ease emotional plant stored in the spinal column.

Unicorn Healing

Description for Unicorn Healing

Hator Healing

Description for Hator Healing

Cloak of Touch of the 13 Stellar Nations

Description for Cloak of Touch of the 13 Stellar Nations

Merkaba Healing

Description for Merkaba Healing

Phi Crystals (Crystal OM)

Description for Phi Crystals (Crystal OM)

spiritual ascension

Description for Spiritual Ascension

The 12 Holy Grail Light Codes

Description for The 12 Holy Grail Light Codes

The Dimension Gate of Mary’s Angelic Legion

Description for The Dimension Gate of Mary’s Angelic Legion

Opening The Arcturian Stellar Dimensional Gate

Description for Opening The Arcturian Stellar Dimensional Gate